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FinTech- Financial Transformation

28 Apr

Almost everyone has heard of COP26 that was held in Scotland. Amid the distractions caused by the pandemic, conflicts overseas, shortages, and inflation, it was at COP26 that Treasury Secretary Yellen addressed some of the world’s most powerful people, including:

U.S. President Biden

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson…

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau…

French President Emmanuel Macron…

… and many more…

From the stage, Yellen called for world leaders to commit to a $150 trillion ‘global transition’ of our economy. Since then, Bank of America has signed the accord, along with 131 countries, 234 cities, and 695 of the world’s biggest companies. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have invested in this ‘transformation’ as well. What does this mean?

Are we heading into a One World Currency with new technologies driving this transformation? The Bible clearly prophesied this transformation prior to the coming of the Lord.

Pilipinas – Who Are You?

19 Apr

This year the Philippines is commemorating it’s 120 years as a country, but is it only 120 years?  How did we got here? In the 16th century a race among the colonizers, Spain, Portugal, England and others to find that Eldorado a place where King Solomon in the Bible  sourced out gold to build the 1st temple in Jerusalem. The Bible identified it as Ophir, a 3 year sea voyage return and back to Jerusalem, where gold abounds.

How much gold is in the Philippines? The richness of Philippine mineral wealth is clearly seen when compared with that of other countries . To be realistic however, the size of each country should be taken into account , for Philippines is relatively small ( about 1/3 the area of Ontario) omitting it’s territorial sea. In A  study  for producing countries undertaken by Asian Development Bank  the annual  production for producing countries as divided by their respective areas to obtain “output per square kilometers which is a useful measure of mineral richness and “prospectability”. The Philippines is outstanding in this respect.

Gold of our Ancestors

If you are in Manila find time to visit the Ayala Museum where an intricate design of gold that was discovered in Surigao in the 1980’s. The Philippines has been producing gold since time immemorial.

          ( These items were made by an advance culture and civilization)

Gold Based Currency

Piloncitos is the earliest form of precious metal based currency of the Philippines. It is  made of pure gold with a weight ranging between .5 grams to more or less than 3 grams.

The earliest written account of Piloncitos was made by our national hero, Jose Rizal himself. According to Rizal, he found the gold nugget while tilling the soil of Dapitan. He himself coined the word piloncitos, which basically describe the coin’s unusual shape. They are round and stamped with what looks like the pre-Spanish baybayin character “ma,” leading historians to guess that it could be short for “Ma-I.

What fascinates historians and numismatists alike is why piloncito can only be found in the Philippines and unlike its counterpart gold massa that are vastly present in the Southeast Asian region.

Philippine Mining History

Chinese traders as far back as the 3rd century AD referred to Luzon as the “Isle Of Gold”. Placer continuos to provide a significant portion of the national output of gold, but most reported production presently is from vein deposits, and as byproduct from disseminated copper mining. Copper was mined in antiquity, and was exploited from rich veins in the last century. In the mid 1950’s very large bodies of low grade disseminated copper were opened, and they supply virtually all of the nation’s production. These are smelted and refined in the Philippines. Chromite mining started in the mid-1930’s. Deposits include the world’s largest known occurrence of refractory chromite. Widespread metallurgical and chemical chrome deposits are mined, mostly by small-scale miners. Nickel occurs as surface laterite, similar to that in New Caledonia and Indonesia.

I personally operated a Placer  and a Lode  mines in Agusan. In my Placer operation in  Bilay, near Butuan City, we are not only obtaining gold but platinum as well. The miners few years back were just throwing it because it mixes with the gold when we panned it, they called it stainless steel, not  knowing that it is more expensive than gold. Only in the Philippines platinum can be sourced out by placer method.

Spain and its interest on Gold

It has been said that the Spaniards gave as the cross and they got our gold. In fact they were perflexed of the abundance of gold when they arrived in the Philippines.

 Pieces of gold, the size of walnuts and eggs are found by sifting the earth in the island of that king who came to our ships. All the dishes of that king are of gold and also some portion of his house as we were told by that king himself…He had a covering of silk on his head, and wore two large golden earrings fastened in his ears…At his side hung a dagger, the haft of which was somewhat long and all of gold, and its scabbard of carved wood. He had three spots of gold on every tooth, and his teeth appeared as if bound with gold. — Pigafetta on Raja Siaui of Butuan during Magellan’s voyage.

For brass, iron and other weighty articles, they gave us gold in exchange…For 14 pounds of iron we received 10 pieces of gold, of the value of a ducat and a half. The Captain General forbade too great an anxiety for receiving gold, without which order every sailor would have parted with all he had to obtain this metal, which would have ruined our commerce forever. — Pigafetta on gold trade in Cebu

Original name of the Philippines

Josephus Account 

Chryse and Aurea

Chryse the “Golden One” is the name given by ancient Greek writers to an island rich in gold to the east of India. Pomponius Mela, Marinos of Tyre and the Periplus of the Frythraean Sea mention Chryse in the 1st century CE. Josephus calls it in Latin “ Aurea “ and equates the islands with biblical Ophir from where the ships of Tyre and Solomon brought back gold and  Algum wood, or Almaciga, (Agathis Philippinenses)  as known in the Philippines. The ships of Tarshish were also bringing special kind of apes which is still existing in the Philippines, called Tarshiers in Bohol.

Of all places attributed to where Biblical Ophir is – only the Philippines meets the historical  location and abundance of gold and  algum wood.

Spanish Account


In a book found in Spain entitled Collecion General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas Filipinas, the author has described how to locate Ophir. According to the section “Document No. 98″, dated 1519-1522, Ophir can be found by travelling from the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, to India, to Burma, to Sumatra, to Moluccas, to Borneo, to Sulu, to China, then finally Ophir. Ophir was said to be ” in front of China towards the sea, of many islands where the Moluccans, Chinese, and Lequios met to trade…” Jes Tirol asserts that this group of islands could not be Japan because the Moluccans did not get there, nor Taiwan, since it is not composed of “many islands.” Only the present-day Philippines, he says, could fit the description. Spanish records also mention the presence of Lequious (big, bearded white men, probably descendants of the Phoenicians, whose ships were always laden with gold and silver) in the Islands to gather gold and silver. Other evidence has also been pointed out suggesting that the Philippines was the biblical Ophir.

The spaniards believed that they have arrived in the land of Ophir.  Spanish conquistadores  were overwhelmed of the abundance of gold.

It was Roy Lopez Villalobos named  the  Philippines  Las Islas Pilipinas in honor of King Philipp 2 of Spain not knowing that the hand of God was always in the destiny of this blessed country.

Hebrew Account


Pilipinas in Hebrew is derived from two words, Pili – Majestic , Pina –  God Raises, Cornerstone. Villalobos named it after King Philip but God used  it to reveal its mark on this country. There is always a special bond between Israel and the Philippines. In 1939 when the whole world closes its doors for the Jewish fleeing Europe for fear of the Nazi, President Quezon welcomed more than a thousand to settle in Manila. In 1948 only the Philippines among Asian countries voted for the establishment of a Jewish State, Israel  in Palestine. When Yolanda hit the Philippines in 2009, the first foreign respondent to aid the Philippines are the Israelis. There is a special bond that binds these two countries.

Hebrew roots in the Philippines

In Genesis 10, the division of the nations, Heber the father of the Hebrew race has two sons Peleg and Joktan, they were somewhere in Iran at that time, this is after the flood. Peleg went west  and fathered Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while Joktan went east along with his children  Ophir, Seba and Habillah and others. Their language is Hebrew.

Some Elements of Hebrew Names in the Philippines

The Philippines was named after King Philip II  of Spain and they tried to changed the names to Spanish. However a number of mountains and places still bear their original Hebrew names Such as:

a.  Mount Pulag, a variant name of Peleg in Gen. 10, when nations were divided, in tagalog, it means “Glare or Dazzling Light”.

b.  At the foot of Mt. Pulag is a cave Kabayan, in hebrew Chabaya meaning “Yah Has Hidden” or God has hidden. Hidden what? There are fire mummies in this cave that are preserved similar to those in ancient Egypt.

c.  Mt. Sagada in Hebrew: Saga, Laud, Praise and exalt and Yada, to Know – “To Know Praise”.

d.  Mt. Arayat, in Hebrew :  Ara, Earth and Yaat , Cover – Arayaat, “Earth Covered”.

e.  Mt. Pinatubo – Hebrew : Pina, God Raises, Tubo, His Goodness – “God Raises His Goodness”.

f.  Mt. Kabuyao – Hebrew : Kabu, Great House, Yah, Creator God – “Great House of Creator God”

g.  Mayon Volcano – Hebrew: May’on or Maayan – “Spring of Water”.

h.  Taal Lake and Volcano – Hebrew: Ta-haal – “Called out for a Specific Purpose”.

i.  Mt. Cabalian – Hebrew: Chaba, Hidden, Lian, Greatly – ” Greatly Hidden”, Filipinos still calls this, the Hidden Mountain.

j.  Mt. Banahaw – Hebrew: Banah, Built, Yah, Creator God – “Built by Creator God”.

k.  Mt. Matutum – Hebrew: Matu, Shake, Tum, Perfections or Jewels. One of the epithets of the objects in the high priest’s breastplate as an emblem of complete truth, Thummim.     ” Shaking Jewel of Complete Truth”.

Common among these mountains is its reference to a higher being or God. There are lots of Filipino words that still bears their Hebrew meaning. Perhaps I could continue this thesis in the next issue.

Compared to other countries, there are no ruins because the Philippines is a  paradise and a garden.

Pilipinas – a “Majestic Cornerstone” .

Addie Bantug, is a civil engineer and a  management consultant, he teaches Bible Studies among Filipino evangelicals in Canada. He planted three Filipino Christian Churches in Canada. Currently he heads a construction company in northern Ontario.

End Times – Rejoice

19 Apr

With the Gloom and Doom brought about by the Pandemic and a global war looming in the horizon as well as the economic reset there is reason for Born Again Christians to Rejoice as these are signs that soon we will be meeting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Air.

Global DebtEconomic Reset

We normally hear the phrase “Economic Reset” this is because based on the Bank of International Settlement BIS, the Bank that regulates the Central Banks of countries of the world there is a Global Debt bubble that is about to explode.  Global debt and liabilities has reached $ 2.3 Quadrillion,


Global Debt – $ 300 Trillion

Derivatives – $ 1500 Trillion

Unfunded Liabilities – $ 500 Trillion.

With all the Quantitative easings that banks are currently implementing still not enough but it has to explode and go for an Economic Reset.


Global powers that will be participants in this last war are now in play:

  1. Kings of the North – Russia and its allies Iran and others are now in the news.
  2. Kings of the East – China with its OBOR, One Belt One Road Program is now expanding globally
  3. Kings of the South – Countries identified in Psalm 83, an Alliance of Islamic countries
  4. Revive Roman Empire – European Union, identified as toes in Daniel 2.


Your Life Story

16 Mar

The Last funeral I attended in person was that of Jake Daccord, former chairman of World Vision Canada. Jake was quite known among evangelical Christians in Montreal and Toronto. At the reception after the memorial service I concentrated in particular to a pictorial album of his life story. It seems that everything we have done in life can be posted in one photo album presentation.

At any given moment we are the sum total of every thought we ever have, every word we have spoken, every emotion we have ever felt and every deed we have ever done. Who Jake was  is entwined with the album presentation.

For us still alive, we are still writing our story. Our story cannot be duplicated, neither can it be undone. The parts of  our story that are already written are history.

If you are living your dreams, thrilled with your work, blessed with your family life and flying high financially you are probably OK with the idea that your life story cannot be erased. But, if life has not worked out as you had hoped, if you are regretting the choices or feeling stuck in a rut, the thought of an indelible life story might sound like bad news.

But hey, we are not like Jake, now stock in a box and eventually end up in a hole. We are still breathing, therefore the current version of your life story is not the final draft. You still have unlimited room for growth. But understand this: your maximum growth potential isn’t realized when you ignore or deny your life story; it is realized when you own it.

How do you own your life story? You start by acknowledging life’s failures and disappointments, as they say facing down the ghosts of the past as mentioned in the Phantom of the Opera.

Once you have faced the truth squarely you can release your life story from the grip of regret and move forward without the baggage of so much old news.

When you take ownership of your life story you validate this on the basis of your inherent worth as a human being. It becomes a statement of your commitment, an affirmation that you are empowered. This empowerment comes from a simple faith that says … “I can do all things through Christ”… This alone is the key of owning our life story.

( I can sing “Sweeter as the Years Go By” as I continue to write my own story)

2020- Could it be the best of years

15 Jul

Worst  and Best of Years  in History


The Worst of Years

The year 1349 saw the Black Death kill half the population of Europe. In 1520 smallpox ravaged the Americas and killed between 60 and 90 percent of the continents’ original inhabitants.  In 1918 the Spanish Flu led to the deaths of over 50 million people.  Then year 536 AD. It was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive. The year began with an inexplicable, dense fog that stretched across the world which plunged Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia into darkness 24 hours a day, for nearly 2 years, better known in history as the Dark Ages.

The Best of Years

2020 has already accomplished as the year nobody will forget. Because of Covid 19, it has led to social unrest, economic collapse, unemployment, pandemic and yet it is aligning the current events and scenarios to the end time prophecies in the Bible. The best of years because this could be the year that He is coming for the believers. This could be the year that we are taken out of this world for those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  ARE YOU EXCITED TO MEET THE LORD?


Price of Pollution – A Scam

2 Nov



To understand this well orchestrated scam of the global environmental elites here are some terms one must understand:

Pollution  – CO2  Carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas

IPCC – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations, dedicated to providing the world with an objective, scientific view of climate change, its natural, political and economic impacts and risks, and possible response options. This is highly influenced by global elites.

Carbon Credit – is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas.

Influencers – normally NGO’s in developing  countries who benefits the Green Fund.

Green Climate Fund – The objective of the Green Climate Fund is to “support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing countries.

Paris Accord – a Public Relations vehicle used by the IPCC and UN to promote this scam

Here is how the scam works

Before Paris Accord

Companies uses raw materials and  make products and sells them to customers who buys them. These factories emits carbon dioxide referred to as greenhouse gas or pollution.

That’s why  countries met in Paris in Dec 2015 to address this greenhouse gas pollution. The Paris Agreement  reached a landmark agreement to combat climate change.  It’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 C . It also calls for  accelerated action  and intensify  investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future. It was attended by 195 countries. The Paris Accord is the PR Machine used by the IPCC  to implement this so called Climate Change or control global warming of the planet.

Post Paris Accord –  2030

Companies continues to make products and still pollutes but this time there is a price of pollution that they have to pay IPCC.  Payment are  based on price of Carbon as decided by their country. In exchange IPCC will issue them Carbon Credits. Consequently an added revenue for the IPCC is “Cap and Trade”-  Carbon Credits are tradable in the common market. Because of this added cost, customers now pay higher cost of the  products.

Green Fund

The developing  countries who signed the Paris Accord will benefit from this fund through their “influencers”, thats why  a lot of developing and 3rd world countries went to Paris to sign this Accord. Green Fund are funded  by some developed countries, i.e. Canada pledged $2.65 B. Mainwhile  US opted to cancel its $100B pledged when Trump came into power. This is one of the  reasons why a lot of elite people hates Trump because he saw this as a scam.


China, USA, India, Japan and Russia are the top polluters. China pollutes about 11BT/ yr and by 2030 it will double, India about 2BT/yr and by 2030 double as well. These 2 countries are not contributing to the Green Fund and allowed to pollute. Why?

Climate Change 

In an article published by the American Thinker in November  2012 – “14 the new 15”, it is a well established fact used by the scientific community that 15C is the average global temperature since recorded history.  However, in a literature published after the 1997 report by Worldwatch Institute, the leaders of the global warming movement seem to have started using 14 degrees Celsius as average global temperature. Suddenly they found out that  temperature has actually gone down on the average to 14C – so overnight they change from 15 to 14 – that is like changing the goal post during the game. IPCC adopted this right away as the new norm. Mankind has no control of the climate, they cannot even forecast the  weather next month. They are the ones flipping  the Climate data to justify their claims on Climate Change.


The only winner on this scam is the IPCC and the global elites, the likes  of Al Gore, Soros, David Suzuki and others. Mainwhile prices of the goods we buy are sky rocketing.


Climate Change vs Common Sense

22 Oct


Ever since Maurice Strong the former chairman of Ontario Hydro convened an environmental conference in Brazil in 1992, mankind has lost its capacity to think. In that conference the rise of CO2 was the culprit for global warming, later on environmentalist slowly renamed it Climate Change to make it more believable to just anybody. Earthquakes, tornados, typhoons, forest fires, hurricanes, snowstorms etc are now happening because of Climate Change. For the past five decades so called experts has been proclaiming ecopocalyptic predictions, here are some:

– 1967, a Stanford biologist published on Los Angeles Times said Dire Famine by 1975.

– 1969,  Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.

– 1970, Ice Age by 2000, New York Times

– 1970, America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980,       Boston  Globe.

– 1971, Redlands Daily facts, Ice Age coming. The oceans will be dead as Lake Erie

– 1972, New Ice Age by 2070, Washington Post

– 1974 ,New Ice Age coming fast, letter of Brown University to Whitehouse

– 1974, Another Ice Age, The Guardian

– 1974, Ozone Depletion, a Great Peril to life, Times Magazine

– 1976, The Cooling, New York Times, July 18,1976

– 1980, Acid Rain kills life in Lakes, New York Times

– 1978, No end in sight to 30-year cooling trend

– 1988, James Hansen forecasts increase regional droughts by 1990’s

– 1988, Washington DC days over 90F to from 35 to 85, Maldives completely underwater in 30 years, RealClimate Science

-1989, Rising seas to “obliterate nations by 2000, New York city’s west side highway underwater by 2019. Associated Press

– 2000, Children wont know what snow is, 

– 2002, Famine in 10 years, The Guardian

– 2004, Britain to have Siberian climate by 2020, The Guardian

2008, Arctic will be ice-free by 2018, The Guardian , Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013, Associated Press

–  2009 ,Prince Charles says 0nly 8 years to save the planet,

– 2013, Arctic Ice free by 2015, Al Gore USA Today

– 2014, Arctic ice free by 2014, The Independent

– 2014, only 500 days before Clmate Chaos, French Foreign Minister Fabius with Sec of State  John Kerry declaration , The Guardian

2019, only 12 years to go before the end of mankind because of Climate Change, Catherine Mackenna, Canada Minister of Environment

– 2020 Elections, Biden said the greatest problem he will tackle is Climate Change. Brace yourselves Americans, this can be very expensive out of your pockets if he wins.

Can we just for once use our common sense that we dont have control of the climate. Yes we have Climate Change, in north America we call it SEASONS, like Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. In the Philippines it’s Dry and Rainy Seasons.



Eurasian Empire – China

17 May

via Eurasian Empire – China

Eurasian Empire – China

17 May

Run to Win

Obor- Silk-Road-ChinaIn the 80’s I preached that prior to the coming of the Lord China will emerged as a superpower. As I write this I looked at my Bible that I underlined Rev. 9:17 as China’s colors. It was only in the 70’s when China opened it’s doors. The term at that time was “Bamboo Curtain” between the west and China. In fact China  was even a recipient of aid money from the Canadian International Development Agency few years back. Fast forward today, China is experiencing a massive growth economically and changing geopolitical alliances.

The new  “Eurasian Empire”  will link countries in central Asia towards the middle east for a largest infrastructure project in modern history , identified by President Xi Jinping in 2013 as “ONE BELT ,ONE ROAD” Initiative. The project and its implications for Europe and the rest of the world economy have been so far greeted in the…

View original post 302 more words


The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid

17 May

via The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid