End Times – Rejoice

19 Apr

With the Gloom and Doom brought about by the Pandemic and a global war looming in the horizon as well as the economic reset there is reason for Born Again Christians to Rejoice as these are signs that soon we will be meeting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Air.

Global DebtEconomic Reset

We normally hear the phrase “Economic Reset” this is because based on the Bank of International Settlement BIS, the Bank that regulates the Central Banks of countries of the world there is a Global Debt bubble that is about to explode.  Global debt and liabilities has reached $ 2.3 Quadrillion,


Global Debt – $ 300 Trillion

Derivatives – $ 1500 Trillion

Unfunded Liabilities – $ 500 Trillion.

With all the Quantitative easings that banks are currently implementing still not enough but it has to explode and go for an Economic Reset.


Global powers that will be participants in this last war are now in play:

  1. Kings of the North – Russia and its allies Iran and others are now in the news.
  2. Kings of the East – China with its OBOR, One Belt One Road Program is now expanding globally
  3. Kings of the South – Countries identified in Psalm 83, an Alliance of Islamic countries
  4. Revive Roman Empire – European Union, identified as toes in Daniel 2.


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