Archive | November, 2019

Price of Pollution – A Scam

2 Nov



To understand this well orchestrated scam of the global environmental elites here are some terms one must understand:

Pollution  – CO2  Carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas

IPCC – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations, dedicated to providing the world with an objective, scientific view of climate change, its natural, political and economic impacts and risks, and possible response options. This is highly influenced by global elites.

Carbon Credit – is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas.

Influencers – normally NGO’s in developing  countries who benefits the Green Fund.

Green Climate Fund – The objective of the Green Climate Fund is to “support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing countries.

Paris Accord – a Public Relations vehicle used by the IPCC and UN to promote this scam

Here is how the scam works

Before Paris Accord

Companies uses raw materials and  make products and sells them to customers who buys them. These factories emits carbon dioxide referred to as greenhouse gas or pollution.

That’s why  countries met in Paris in Dec 2015 to address this greenhouse gas pollution. The Paris Agreement  reached a landmark agreement to combat climate change.  It’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 C . It also calls for  accelerated action  and intensify  investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future. It was attended by 195 countries. The Paris Accord is the PR Machine used by the IPCC  to implement this so called Climate Change or control global warming of the planet.

Post Paris Accord –  2030

Companies continues to make products and still pollutes but this time there is a price of pollution that they have to pay IPCC.  Payment are  based on price of Carbon as decided by their country. In exchange IPCC will issue them Carbon Credits. Consequently an added revenue for the IPCC is “Cap and Trade”-  Carbon Credits are tradable in the common market. Because of this added cost, customers now pay higher cost of the  products.

Green Fund

The developing  countries who signed the Paris Accord will benefit from this fund through their “influencers”, thats why  a lot of developing and 3rd world countries went to Paris to sign this Accord. Green Fund are funded  by some developed countries, i.e. Canada pledged $2.65 B. Mainwhile  US opted to cancel its $100B pledged when Trump came into power. This is one of the  reasons why a lot of elite people hates Trump because he saw this as a scam.


China, USA, India, Japan and Russia are the top polluters. China pollutes about 11BT/ yr and by 2030 it will double, India about 2BT/yr and by 2030 double as well. These 2 countries are not contributing to the Green Fund and allowed to pollute. Why?

Climate Change 

In an article published by the American Thinker in November  2012 – “14 the new 15”, it is a well established fact used by the scientific community that 15C is the average global temperature since recorded history.  However, in a literature published after the 1997 report by Worldwatch Institute, the leaders of the global warming movement seem to have started using 14 degrees Celsius as average global temperature. Suddenly they found out that  temperature has actually gone down on the average to 14C – so overnight they change from 15 to 14 – that is like changing the goal post during the game. IPCC adopted this right away as the new norm. Mankind has no control of the climate, they cannot even forecast the  weather next month. They are the ones flipping  the Climate data to justify their claims on Climate Change.


The only winner on this scam is the IPCC and the global elites, the likes  of Al Gore, Soros, David Suzuki and others. Mainwhile prices of the goods we buy are sky rocketing.