Archive | May, 2019

Eurasian Empire – China

17 May

via Eurasian Empire – China

Eurasian Empire – China

17 May

Run to Win

Obor- Silk-Road-ChinaIn the 80’s I preached that prior to the coming of the Lord China will emerged as a superpower. As I write this I looked at my Bible that I underlined Rev. 9:17 as China’s colors. It was only in the 70’s when China opened it’s doors. The term at that time was “Bamboo Curtain” between the west and China. In fact China  was even a recipient of aid money from the Canadian International Development Agency few years back. Fast forward today, China is experiencing a massive growth economically and changing geopolitical alliances.

The new  “Eurasian Empire”  will link countries in central Asia towards the middle east for a largest infrastructure project in modern history , identified by President Xi Jinping in 2013 as “ONE BELT ,ONE ROAD” Initiative. The project and its implications for Europe and the rest of the world economy have been so far greeted in the…

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The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid

17 May

via The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid


The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid

17 May

via The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid