Archive | January, 2018

The Man Who Made Everyone Stupid

4 Jan


Through his view on Global Warming everyone in the planet has lost its capacity to think rationally – the name Maurice Strong former Chairman of Ontario Hydro.

We live in Ontario, with almost unlimited energy resources but has exorbitantly high electricity bills. How did this happen? It is hard to believe, but it is primarily the result of deliberate energy policies recommended by the UN to world leaders through Mr Strong’s influence and promotion of Global Warming.

A definition of stupidity  is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It is true of socialism. It fails every time, but socialists never stop trying. Global warming uses pseudoscience to achieve a socialist political agenda. It was chosen because it was a global threat that required global governance.  It was created through the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), sponsored and organized by Maurice Strong. It is the originator of what is broadly called the Green Agenda, an economy based on eliminating CO2 and shifting to alternative energies through Agenda 21. It failed everywhere it was tried.

In 1992, Maurice Strong organized UNEP 1992 Rio Conference where he formalized his Green Agenda. In the keynote speech at the Conference he said: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” There is no evidence that any of these are causing any problem and there is no empirical evidence that human CO2 is causing any temperature change.

After the Rio Conference many countries have experimented with green agendas and  energy policies, but the Province of Ontario, adopted its energy policies put in place  by Maurice Strong. He created the deception that human CO2 was causing global warming.  

Ontario cancelled it’s Coal powered generating plants and replaced it with Wood Pellets. Cutting trees to produce wood pellets is more harmful to the environment.

Ontario adopted the Feed-In Tariff program by buying power from Solar and Wind and other renewables. Power Purchase Agreements were signed at very high cost some at 80cents per Kwh and selling it at 9 cents per Kwh. Have Ontario  lost its sanity?

The full impact of what Strong did in Ontario is currently being masked by another Canadian socialist strategy. Canada has a federal process called “equalization payments.” It was  planned to give residents of each province the same per capita revenue as those in the wealthiest provinces, using personal, corporate, and inheritance taxes. Provinces are designated, ”have” or “have not,” based on their ability to generate tax revenue.

It changed significantly in 2009-2010 because Ontario, the only “have” province, from the start, became a “have not” province as Strong’s policies took hold. In contrast, Newfoundland and Labrador, a “have not” province from the start, became a “have” province because of the oil discoveries on the Grand Banks (Hibernia). The Federal government takes money from the “haves” and gives it to the “have nots.” Some claim that Canada now has the most expansive and generous, redistribution of wealth system, in the world. It does what all such equalizations schemes do; it masks the real problem thus precluding any demand to fix it. This occurs despite people in Ontario are paying unnecessarily high prices for energy. And they will be paying for the bad policies for decades. Policies that took one of the most dynamic, powerful, and wealthy economies in Canada to one of the weakest. The Province is providing one benefit to the world, namely, what happens if you adopt the energy and environment policies based on the ‘science’ of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Promoting energy policies based on falsified science and alternative energies fail. No better example is  Ontario, Canada that saw the architect of the entire global warming deception. It is incredible anyone would continue to promote them. If you think the green agenda policies evolved from the UN Climate program will work just look at Ontario where the architect of the plan has already proved they don’t. Thank you Maurice Strong for making us STUPIDS.