Archive | July, 2017

Noah and the Global Flood

8 Jul


Mt.Arayat, Pampanga Philippines  in Hebrew, when “Earth was Covered”

Where was Noah at that time?

Traditional belief is that Noah was in Mesopotamia which is present day Iraq and the ark landed in Mt.Ararat in Turkey next door. This is a global flood for roughly one year (Gen 7 & 8) and the ark did not move?  Stays in the same area where it was? The earth’s pole tilted 23 degrees and the ark was stationary? This is completely against the principles of bouyancy.

Garden of Eden 

The Bible says that the Garden of Eden was at a  place called Havilah which is sorrounded by River Pison where there is Gold, Bdellium or Pearls and Onyx stones. When Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden they stayed in the general vicinity of the land of Havilah.

Turin Map in 1600 BC 

This map depecting Adam and Eve being driven out of the  Garden of Eden. Notice the serpent looking at Eve and Adam looking at a place called Ìsle of Chryse or Ophir old name of Las Islas Filipinas.

Turin Map

Based on this 1600 BC Map Noah must also be in the vicinity of Havilah with his family when God commanded him to build an ark,  Noah was only 9 generations from Adam.   Then  as people begin to multiply and started to populate the earth,  the Bible says  it grieves the heart of God for creating man because of its sinfulness. So God selected Noah to build an ark because God will be sending judgment to His creation.

Wood to build the Ark

GOPHER wood which is of unknown specie, was the wood used to build the ark. Here’s my theory, separate the letter “G”- “gemul”, the 3rd letter in Hebrew which mean both the giving of reward as well as the giving of punishment,  and what you get is Judgement .and Reward in Opher. Simply saying, wood of  Opher.

Ophir or Opher is a Literal  Ancient  Place

Opher or Ophir is a place where Solomon sourced  the gold and the wood to build the temple. It takes 3 years to get there and back by ship towards the east in the islands of the seas. This is identified as the Philippines by Spain and other early explorers. Josephus called the place Aurea. But in  Noah’s time, it was either reward or punishment in Opher. Reward for those who heeds Noah’s call for repentance which only his family believed him and punishment to everyone who would not heed his call for repentance.  Could it be that Noah was in the Philippines when he built the ark? This is a good distance to Mt.Ararat. There is a mountain in the Philippines who still has it’s original Hebrew name, ARA, meaning earth, and YAT, meaning cover. Mt. Arayat, earth cover.  From Mt. Arayat to Mt. Ararat. In my hometown in Bukidnon Philippines, Mt. Kitanglad means only a lemon grass can be seen when the whole earth was covered with water. 

Narra Wood

This is the wood that was brought to Solomon from Ophir to build the 1st temple in Jerusalem.  It is the national tree of the Philippines.  It is a red sandalwood and in Hebrew Naara means, she who must be admired. Could this be the wood also to build the ark?  Another reference of wood brought to Solomon from Ophir are Almug wood,  in the Philippines Almaciga wood.

My Theory:

Noah built the Ark in Havilah which is Biblical Ophir which became  Isle of Chryse or Isle of Gold and Josephus called it Aurea and the Spaniards named it Las Islas Filipinas. They boarded the Ark in  Mt. Arayat and landed in Mt. Ararat where once again civilization started.

Where was the Garden of Eden

1 Jul

Run to Win

Eden GardenEden River and the Four River Heads

In Gen.2: 8 -14, it says, God put a garden east of Eden and in v 10 it says Eden is a river that supplies 4 water heads. These water heads are Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Parat.  Pison River sorrounds a place called Havilah where there is Gold, Bdellium and Onyx stone.

Trenches or Ancient River

 1. African trench that sorrounds the whole of Africa.
2. Indian – Australian trench
3. South America trench
4. Pacific trench, this trench stretches from California coast towards Canada, Alaska, Aleutians, then in Japan where it splits into 2, westward the Marianas and eastward Palawan better known as the Philippine trench.

In 1980’s I met Stuart Scott a geologist who was instrumental in identifying gas deposits in Malampaya as well as written the geomorphology of various countries in Asia through the Canadian International Development Agency. He was…

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Where was the Garden of Eden

1 Jul


Eden Garden

Eden River and the Four River Heads

In Gen.2: 8 -14, it says, God put a garden east of Eden and in v 10 it says Eden is a river that supplies 4 water heads. These water heads are Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Parat.  Pison River sorrounds a place called Havilah where there is Gold, Bdellium and Onyx stone.

Trenches or Ancient River

 1. African trench that sorrounds the whole of Africa.
2. Indian – Australian trench
3. South America trench
4. Pacific trench, this trench stretches from California coast towards Canada, Alaska, Aleutians, then in Japan where it splits into 2, westward the Marianas and eastward Palawan better known as the Philippine trench.

In 1980’s I met Stuart Scott a geologist who was instrumental in identifying gas deposits in Malampaya as well as written the geomorphology of various countries in Asia through the Canadian International Development Agency. He was the one who did the exploration of our mining claims in Dao, San Fernando Bukidnon Philippines. During that time he was also writing the Geomorphology of the Philippines. In particular he  identified a lot of placer mining areas in the Philippines by analyzing the river systems  of  the Philippines.  In one conversation he said, in pre-flood era of the earth, there is only one river system that encompasses the earth. This made me thinking because when I was completing my graduate studies in Environmental Engineering, I wrote a paper on how the earth tilted from it’s true north position which is 90º tilted to now 23.5º magnetic north.

The Earth That Was

My assumptions is that the earth was at its true north position and there is one river system  that is Eden River that runs around the whole earth  and feeds the four water heads. East of Eden River, God planted a garden called Garden of Eden which is sorrounded by  River Pison one of the water heads in the land of Havilah , where there is gold, bdellium and onyx. Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, they were driven out of the garden of Eden but stayed in the vicinity of Havilah. After the fall, man and animals spread all over the earth.

Noah’s Flood

In Gen. 6, because of the sinfulness of man God selected Noah to build an Ark because God will bring judgement to the whole earth. It took Noah to build the ark 120 years. In Gen.7:11, when the children of Noah Shem, Ham and Japhet and their wives and all the animals were in the ark when Noah was 600 years old, it begins to rain and the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP  broken up and the windows of heaven opened with a massive rain. With instant added weight to the earth from within and without caused the poles to tilt that created instant freezing in both the south and north pole. Arctic and Antarctica  ice is extra water, that’s why proponents  of Global warming is quite concerned because  warming can create added water to earth’s  surface due to ice melting and may cause coastal flooding.

Fountains of the Great Deep

Until 1977 nobody can explain scientifically what and where  is this, until scientists exploring the Galapagos Rift along the Mid-Ocean Ridge in the eastern Pacific notice a series of temperature spikes in their data which is coming from HYDROTHERMAL VENTS.  Hydrothermal vents are like geysers, or hot springs, on the ocean floor. Along the mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates spread apart. These are the fountains of the great deep that opens during Noah’s flood.

Mid Ocean Ridge (Photo Above)

The mid-ocean ridge system is the most extensive chain of ranges  on earth, but more than 90% of this mountain range lies in the deep ocean. The mid-ocean ridge wraps around the globe for more than 65,000 kms  like the seam of a baseball. The Mid Ocean Ridge starts from the north pole, in the  the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic, Indian and then to the Pacific Ocean . At the center of this ridge is a rift to an average depth of 2500m and maximum width of 20km. If this is an ancient river it should follow the rule of gravity, water flows from shallow to the deepest. It does, bathymetric datas are,  Arctic Ridge at 1038m, Atlantic Ridge, 3872m, Indian, 3872m and Pacific Ridge at 4188m. Therefore the,  Mid Ocean Ridge is the Biblical River Eden of pre-flood era.

My theory
1. The Mid Oceanic Ridge is an ancient river, Eden River
2. The four major trenches are four river heads , Pison Gihon, Heddekel and Parat in the Bible.
3. The Bible says Pison river sorrounds Havilah and notice that the Philippines is sorrounded by the Marianas and Palawan trenches.

Presence of Gold and Bdellium

The Philippines is a highly mineralized country. Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel and other base metals such as Palladium , Chromite and Platinum are all mined in the Philippines.  No wonder King Solomon when he was building the Temple in Jerusalem sourced out his supply of gold from Ophir or  Philippines. Bdellium is pearl, the Philippines still holds the  largest pearl that was ever found in the planet . In fact she is referred to as “The Pearl of the Orient Seas”. I operated a small scale mining in the Philippines few year back by Placer method and we were not doing this only for gold but for platinum as well.


Possible Location of the Garden of Eden – Sulu Sea

Using a Satellite Pro App one can easily see something underneath the Sulu Sea. Seem like a Wormhole with a Garden inside the Wormhole. During Noah’s flood the garden was overflowed with water. Consequently this area is also where the world’s most concentration of marine biodiversity.

Sulu Sea – Normal Google earth photo


Using Satellite Pro – Wormhole Under the Ocean When Zoomed In

Garden 2

A Garden Inside the Wormhole


What is this sunken garden inside a wormhole at the bottom of Sulu Sea? Your thoughts.

Possible Location of the Garden of Eden

1 Jul

Eden Garden

Where is the Garden of Eden 
The Bible says in Genesis 2, that it is in the east in Havilah where there is Gold, Bdellium and Onyx. It is watered from a river that has four tributaries. One tributary river is Pison that sorrounds Havilah. With the advancement of analyzing oceanic geomorphology, notice the Mid Oceanic Ridge. It starts from the north in the Arctic Ocean that feeds the Atlantic, thence to Indian Ocean and ends in the Pacific at the Mexico/California coast. On top of this ridge is a Rift of about 20 km width and along this rift are Hydrothermal vents which are geysers or underwater springs which feeds the marine life in the deep which we have coined a new word Chemosynthesis. Hydrothermal vents are referred to in Noah’s flood as “Fountains from the Deep”. Notice four trenches or ancient river heads along the Mid Oceanic Ridge:

Trenches or Ancient River

 1. African trench that sorrounds the whole of Africa.
2. Indian – Australian trench
3. South America trench
4. Pacific trench, this trench stretches from California coast towards Canada, Alaska, Aleutians, then in Japan where it splits into 2, westward the Marianas and eastward Palawan better known as the Philippine trench.
My theory
1. The Mid Oceanic Ridge is an ancient river, Eden River
2. The four major trenches are four river heads , Pison Gihon, Heddekel and Parat in the Bible.
3. If the Mid Oceanic Ridge is an ancient river it should follow Bathymetric features of a river and it does – shallow in the Arctic, gets deeper in the Atlantic and Indian and deepest in the Pacific.
4. The Bible says Pison river sorrounds Havilah and notice that the Philippines is sorrounded by the Marianas and Palawan trenches.


Havilah is in the Philippines. There is gold in the Philippines and Bdellium or Pearls, in fact the Philippines is known as the pearl of the Orient and Onyx is a common stone there. Furthermore  marine life in the Philippines is overwhelmingly beautiful. Made up of more than 7,100 islands and located in the nutrient-rich Coral Triangle, the Philippines is home to an astounding number of marine creatures.
