Archive | October, 2016

How God Speaks To Us ( Intuition)

28 Oct



Man is a tripartite being. SOUL which are your Will, Intellect and Emotions, then your BODY, the 5 senses. Then we have a SPIRIT. This is that part in us that longs for a higher relationship in our life. Every man longs for God. God has programmed this in our DNA.  God Speaks in our Spirit through:

  1. Intuition – The ability to acquire knowledge without interference or influence.
  2. Conscience – The ability to Admit Moral Responsibility
  3. Communion – The ability to affirm with a higher being.

When Intuition is Lost:

  1. You often feel confuse
  2. You lack flexibility
  3. You feel blindsided by people
  4. You wrestle with Regrets
  5. You dismiss your instincts as Crazy or irrational

For example for no reason at all last year I stopped for Coffee at Macdonalds in North Bay, its my INSTINCTS to stop. Little did I know when I proceeded on my driving on Hwy 11, a massive pile up of car accidents. Had I not followed my INSTINCTS to stop I will be in that pile up.


The Beginnings of the Filipino Evangelical Churches in Canada

18 Oct


 It had been a blessing to be a part of the Beginnings of the Filipino Evangelical Churches in Canada. 1970’s was a year of influx for a lot of Filipino Professionals. During this decade Filipino Nurses arrived in most major cities of Canada. My own odessy started in Montreal in mid 70’s. Then in the fall of 1976 I moved to Toronto.


First Filipino Baptist Church in Toronto
Under the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada

This is the first filipino work in Toronto. It started with a youth Bible Study in a School in Jameson . The leader of this group was Glenn Diel. From this group, a Sunday School for Filipinos was organized in High Park Baptist Church and later on the First Filipino Baptist Church was organized in 1977 with Pastor Godfrey Catanus as it’s Pastor. We moved our services to Bonar Parkdale Prysbeterian Church and then in 1979 we purchased a building owned by the Salvation Army in Lippincott St. From this beginnings a number of Filipino Churches have followed. These are some of the people involved in the start Ramon Zerrudo, Alex and Rosie Pacis, Paul and Aleli Narvaez, Oscar and Norma Castanos, Vivian Godoyo,Ging Bacarissas, Anita and Conny Matias, Tod Ramirez, Mario Lopez, Bolivar family,Lyn Soriano, Edna Santos, Naval Family, Romy Manzo, Mario Lopez, OT, Bondoc family, Edna Santos, Hortillosa family Sherryl and Vic, Sonia and Flora Martinez, Lloyd McDougal, Myra Gualberto, Castelvi family,Albert and Luningning Mendoza, Elsa Cambil, Edralin sisters etc.


Filipino Baptist Church ( Fleetwood International Church)
Surrey, BC
Under the Baptist General Conference

When I arrived in Vancouver in January, 1981 there was already a Filipino group meeting in a basement of an apartment complex in Boundary Rd. , the Filipino Christian Fellowship. This group was headed by late Pastor Carlos San Luis. Members of this fellowship are from Surrey and Vancouver. In 1982, the Surrey group organized to form the Filipino Baptist Church with Pastor Carlos San Luis and the first meeting place for worship was at Cedar Grove Baptist Church. The rest of the filipinos in Vancouver joined the Jasper Crescent Baptist Church which later renamed themselves to Grace International Baptist Church. It was at this time that Grace International called Godfrey Catanus as their pastor and then later on Dr. Luis Pantoja.
The Filipino Baptist Church in Surrey purchased a lot near Fraser Highway and we built our Church Building. The building was completed in late 1984.
Prominent names during the beginnings of the ministry in Vancouver : Sanidad family, Domingo family, Alex and Beverly Canete, Jess and Luz Mendoza, Doo family, Gilbert and Luz Barlit, Villanueva family, Pastrano family, Kuya Joe De Guzman and Ate Lourdes, Malinis family, Jordan family, manang Carmen, Cynthia and Ellis Natividad, Anolin, Ferdie and Leila Chata, Madrid family , Lonzon family, etc.


Snowdon Baptist Church Filipino Fellowship / First Filipino Baptist Church
Under the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada

I went back to Montreal in August of 1985. This is the time the next influx of Filipinos in Canada. Most of the new arrivals are filipino Care Givers from Europe. In September of 1985 I met Marlyn Ugaban and Lolit in a Christian bookstore in Guy St. They told me that they have a Bible study group meeting in an apartment in Plamondon. I eventually took the leadership of this group. We started a Sunday School Class in Snowdon Baptist Church in October 1986. From a group of 13 ladies we have grown in number in Snowdon. This led to the formation of the First Filipino Baptist Church in 1992. When I left Montreal in 1991, Bro. Rod Tenorio who is now a Pastor of Snowdon Baptist took over the leadership. The First Filipino Baptist Church has Dr. Vic Gavino as their leader. They later called Pastor Gonzaga.
Prominent names in Montreal, Cauton family, Ate Rose, Ochinang’s, Raboy family, Tanoja family, Penalosa family, Gose sisters , Agustin family Robert and Marissa Matue, Flor Barcenas, Alconcel sisters, Vic and Grace Gavino, Louie Santileces etc.

Filipino Community Church
Under the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of Canada

In 1989 I started to work in Ottawa in my profession while at thesame time conducting a Bible Study. On Friday evenings we have a Bible Study at Sis Emma’s employer’s residence in Rockcliffe. Ladies who comprized this group are also working in the Rockcliffe area. During this time I was conducting 2 groups. Friday Bible Study in Ottawa and then Saturday Bible study in Montreal. This was the usual schedule between 1989 to 1991. Most of the time we have a joint fellowship with the group in Montreal. I eventually started a Filipino Sunday School in Parkdale Baptist Church. The Filipino Community Church of Ottawa started in 1996 and we called Pastor Lloyd Rodriguez as our first Pastor. Prominent names, Jun and Merly Sola, Orly and Liza Reyes, Sharon and Danny de Jesus,Leonardo and Michelle Fernandez,  Imelda Austria, Linda Alumno, Ethel and Mark Bergado, Joseph and Anna Abalos, Rey and Edna Noynay, Celso and Vicky Salvatierra, Ernie and Evelyn de La Cruz and family, Gary and Girly Sun, Lito and Agnes Sola, Alwina and Felix Soangco, Abe and Bang Calderon, Max and Melba Humilde , Mina Garabiles, Junie and Brenda Sudiacal, Norma Ocampo, Gil and Rose Barut, Julie Ponce, Edgar and Dolor Hipolito and family, Danny and Vilma Marasigan, Melchor and Racel Bautista etc.

These are the start of the Filipino work in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa.

Eurasian Empire – China

18 Oct

Obor- Silk-Road-China

In the 80’s I preached that prior to the coming of the Lord China will emerged as a superpower. As I write this I looked at my Bible that I underlined Rev. 9:17 as China’s colors. It was only in the 70’s when China opened it’s doors. The term at that time was “Bamboo Curtain” between the west and China. In fact China  was even a recipient of aid money from the Canadian International Development Agency few years back. Fast forward today, China is experiencing a massive growth economically and changing geopolitical alliances.

The new  “Eurasian Empire”  will link countries in central Asia towards the middle east for a largest infrastructure project in modern history , identified by President Xi Jinping in 2013 as “ONE BELT ,ONE ROAD” Initiative. The project and its implications for Europe and the rest of the world economy have been so far greeted in the west with a stone silence that defies explanation. I believe China  is just fulfilling what is prophesied in the Bible.

There will be two main routes of the OBOR. On land there are several routes or corridors in work. The Initiative will focus on jointly building what is being called a new Eurasian Land Bridge from China via Kazakhstan on to Rotterdam. Other OBOR land rail corridors include developing China-Mongolia-Russia, China-Central Asia-West Asia, China-Pakistan, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar, and China-Indochina Peninsula economic corridors.

At sea, the Initiative will focus on jointly building smooth, secure and efficient transport routes connecting major sea ports along the “Belt and Road” including modern upgraded super port construction that will link present China ports at Haikou and Fujian with Kuala Lumpur’s port in Malaysia at the Malacca Strait passage, Calcutta in India, Nairobi in Kenya and via the Suez Canal to Athens and beyond. Already President Duterte of the Philippines a known U.S. ally  is lining himself with China with implications on the South China Seaway.

I believe these projects are just preparations when China and its allies mobilized for a final war in Israel.

To date China has signed memoranda of understanding with 56 countries regarding  OBOR. Since his initial proposal in 2013, President Xi Jinping has personally visited 37 countries to discuss implementation of OBOR. China Railway Group and China Communications Construction Company have signed contracts for key routes and ports in 26 countries. Power plants, electricity transmission facilities and oil and gas pipelines, covering 19 countries along the “Belt and Road” in some 40 energy projects have begun.

This rise of China in our time is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy that an empire will rise identified as the Kings of the East  prior to His return. Maranatha my friends. He’s coming soon. I hope you are ready.


Are You Ready To Go

17 Oct
Now a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,  and on her head a garland of twelve stars.  Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. REVELATION 12:1-2
This will be the sky on September 23, 2017. The woman is the constellation Virgo, the  moon at her feet,  and with Leo being a constellation of nine principal stars, the 3 planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars  make it twelve at this time. Thus the garland of twelve stars is upon the woman. Jupiter retrogrades for 294 days or 9.5 months in the womb of Virgo.

The woman here is Israel. It was Israel who gave birth to the Church. Christianity comes from Jewish roots. The Dragon is the Planet X or Nibiru that will collide with Jupiter as it leaves  Virgo thus creating massive asteroids that will fall to the earth and I believe it will cause a Polar Shift. But before this happens the son (Church)  that was born will be taken up . Israel will go through a period of what the Bible calls “Jacobs Trouble” for 7 years or Tribulation. This is a rare occurrence, it happened only 7000 years ago .  I am not setting dates  but these are only my own observations, am just saying that RAPTURE is Imminent. It’s sooner than expected.

Duterte’s Winning Strategy with China

11 Oct


Could it be that President Duterte is looking this on a macro  generational geopolitical problem of the Philippines –  that is claiming back Sabah for the Philippines.

Trade  and tribute missions with China with the Sultanate of Sulu dates back many centuries long before contact with the Europeans.

Sulu has a  unique relations with China. It had a rich tributary relationship with China since the early 1400s. Most of us are familiar with the story of Sultan Paduka Batara, who died in 1417 in Dezhou, Shandong province during his tribute to the Emperor of China.  The Emperor built  a tomb for him in Dezhou. His heirs were left in China to look after the tomb and are now well into their 21st generation. There was a movie made for this – “Hari sa Hari, Lahi sa Lahi”, (Rulers to Rulers, Race to Race).

There are two lessons we get from the Sultanate of Sulo and its tribute missions to China centuries past. First, it has the longest tributary relationship with China. Second, it sent the most numerous missions to China.   In all, 16 tribute missions journeyed to China, covering two dynasties and spanning 346 years—from 1417 in the Ming Dynasty to 1763 in the Qing Dynasty.

Other islands had sent tribute missions much earlier, such as Butuan in 1003, but these were few and lasted only a short time. The Butuan missions ended in 1011. Tribute missions to China were discontinued when the places were colonized by the Spaniards and named it Las Islas Filipinas.

With Duterte’s open arms to China my conclusion is that he can achieved two goals:

  1. Help us regain back Sabah as part of the Philippines as definitely the Sultanate of Sulu is independent from the present owner, Malaysia,
  2. The long time dispute with the Moro problem in Mindanao will be solved as once again their long time goal of having their own land which is curently included in the Bangsa Moro Region can be settled with China’s intervention.

My End Time Scenario

9 Oct


While the world is focused on ending the war in Syria a very small country with a chubby leader will bring down America’s Waterloo. North Korea has the technology and satellite to explode a thermonuclear device 300 miles above the center of United States that will produce an EMP  which  stands for “electromagnetic pulse,” and it will destroy  everything that has a microchip in it. Already a lot of countries has satellites orbiting the earth at the moment, even the Philippines has its own Diwata satellite. This is where Reagan’s Star Wars  Defence  is needed. The North Koreans are using the old Soviet North- South satellite trajectory.  The main destruction of a satellite based explosion  will be the Power Grid of the United States and Canada which will paralyze these two countries bringing them to 1800’s status.

I am in power related business in Canada and normally it takes three days to bring back to normalcy a  major transmission line, substation  failure, but in this scenario with thousands  of blow-up transformers to source out will take them  months to restore. By the way only cars built pre-1974 will work but they have to look for hand driven pumps for gasoline.

With America out of the picture, Iran will unleash its nuclear warheads to Israel and Israel will counter also.  With Russia an ally of Iran, it will be drag out into  this initial stage.  The world’s super power remaining is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. The Kings of the north, Gog and Magog which is Russia, the Kings of the South which is an alliance of  Arab countries, the Psalms 83 nations, the Kings of the East which is China and the revive Roman empire which is EU. Watch for these super powers as they  interplay  in our daily  news.


Already Russia and China are involved in fighting in Syria and once Damascus fell which it will be , the next battleground will be Israel. When that time comes if you know the Lord Jesus as your own personal Savior and Lord, “REJOICE FOR  WE ARE OUT OF HERE”. It is sooner than you think.

Changing the Game Plan – Duterte

7 Oct



Recent comments of Duterte regarding cutting ties with the Americans seemed to be changing the Philippine Island’s (P.I.) game plan regarding its foreign policy. For so many years now  the Philippines is just like a  son still depending on his parents for money even if he is already an adult. Ingrained into his mind that there is always Uncle Sam for him resulting for not  moving-on with this colonial mentality kaya nau-wi sa “Walang Bilib sa Sarili”.

Prior to colonialization the Philippines has already  historical  relations with China. Could it be that when Duterte goes to China, he  will be received as the ”  Lost Prodigal Son”.

In the grand arena of world dominance eventually China will emerged as a new super power. Could it be that he is lining his cards to reflect this new paradigm shift  or baka naman mauwi lang ang Pinas to being the Americans definition of ( P. I. ) Philippine Islands,   to  Duterte’s  (P.I.)  Put …. In .