Your Life’s Timeline ( Believer)

4 Feb



May 18,2012 041  You accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, here’s what awaits you.

  1. At death your BODY  will be buried somewhere but your SOUL and SPIRIT will be ushered into HEAVEN in your Mansion in Glory.
  2. When Rapture, your BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT will re-joined and be Resurrected. Together with the rest of the Raptured believers and Resurrected believers will have a reunion in the clouds.
  3. While the world is undergoing 7 years tribulation or Jacob’s trouble, we will be in heaven celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and also the time when  Bema Judgment takes place. Believers are judged for rewards.
  4. After 7 years we are coming back to this earth with Christ. The battle of Armageddon takes place and satan will be defeated and thrown into the bottomless pit.
  5. Then the 1000 years reign of Christ begins with Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in this earth. We will be reigning with him.
  6. Briefly satan will be let loosed for a brief time at the end of the 1000 years and then this earth will be destroyed and satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.
  7. Then comes the New Heaven and the New Earth where our future permanent home will be.

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