Archive | February, 2016

My Christian view on SSM

18 Feb


Its been thirteen  years that Same Sex marriage was legalized in Canada. The sky has not fallen and in fact we had a gay  premier in Ontario and a gay mayor in Ottawa.  Big debates in our parliament at that time when this issue was pursued in 2006. Being a born – again christian I don’t have a problem with SSM. In a typical SSM relationship they normally call each other   “SOUL MATES”.

Man is a tripartite being having:

  • Body
  • Soul – Intellect, Will and Emotion
  • Spirit

Same Sex Marriage, SSM   involves only the the two – Body and Soul. Both partners Know ( Intellect) and Decided ( Will) that they are in Love ( Emotion ) with each other, and will live together  thus they become SOUL MATES.

Whereas in an Evangelical Christian  view of Marriage it involves the three – Body, Soul and Spirit  – Both Man and Woman  Know and decided to live each other because they are in Love. Thus in marriage ceremony they become MAN and WIFE through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. A Born Again Christian is indwelt by the Spirit of God.

In a  Roman Catholic church marriage setting , their view involves also the Body, Soul and Spirit. The Spirit comes during the mass, when the priest raised the bread through “Transubstantation”, the bread becomes the actual Body of Christ, when  the couple partakes of it  they become  MAN and WIFE.

Its just a matter of understanding Marriage Lingo  that we can live in peace with each other. Go in Peace.


Pacquiao’s off handed fight

18 Feb


Watching  the  coverage on this it seems the world has misunderstood what Pacquiao is really saying. First of all he is talking about the PROCESS of Reproduction. What he means a “Male and a Male” or “Female and a Female”  will not produce an offspring. Animals are much better than human beings because they can recognize this principle of REPRODUCTION. That is the gest of his argument.  He is not attacking the LGBTQ.

As an outside observer, my advice to Manny is concentrate on his last fight with Bradley this April  and stay out of politics in the Philippines. Stay on course with the fight that has eternal implications on it and next time WATCH: Watch your W-ords, A-ctions, T-reasure, C-ompanions, H-eart.

You have made it to the top, Fight a good Fight.

The Sun is the Lake of Fire

5 Feb



Let me propose my best biblical knowledge  “guess and theory”.  A lot of scientists believe eventually  the sun will be reduced into a red giant. The theory also supports that  the sun will swallow the earth.

When the Bible speaks of the Lake of Fire, it is an actual place where the worm never dies and because of  constant plasma rain it is a lake of fire. It is the final place for satan and demons as well as those whose names are not found in the “Book of Life”.

In the final trilogy of time, the Bible speaks of three places:

  1. New Heaven
  2. New Earth
  3. Lake of Fire

In Isaiah 66:24 residents of the New Earth will be looking at that “Lake of Fire” in a distant as a testament that there will be no more rebellion in eternity future. Consequently if someone at the “Great White Throne Judgement” will tell God I have no idea or nobody told me about God. The Lord will just tell him or her – all you have to do is LOOK UP in your life in earth.

Friends if you are contemplating committing sin – LOOK UP, the Sun might be your final destination. If you are not sure if your name is in the Book of Life, find someone who can explain it to you. LOOK UP.

Isaiah 66:24  – “And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh”.

“Imagine” – a Pie in the Sky Song

5 Feb
One of the favorites among evangelicals lately is a song  “I Can Only Imagine” . This  speaks  about what it will be like and what we might do when we arrive in heaven.
Contrast with another song written and made popular by John Lennon – “Imagine” Here are some lines:
          Imagine there’s no Heaven
         It’s easy if you try
         No Hell below us
         Above us only sky
         Imagine all the people
         Living for today.
 Rather than facing  reality, one chooses to imagine that there is no Heaven, no Hell—just people living for today. His belief system is viewed through the lens of naturalism, which at its foundation is the concept that nature is all there is, all life forms and everything is the result of nature. They believe human nature is good at its root and that casting off traditional behavioral boundaries and putting in place the right social and economic structures will bring out the good nature of mankind, thus resulting in harmony and world-wide peace.
The Christian world view is viewed through lens of theism: there is a transcendent God who existed before the world existed and who is the origin of everything that exists. Christians believe that God orders the affairs of the world, that He has revealed an unchanging standard of right and wrong, and that the boundaries He has laid out for mankind are healthy and for our benefit. We believe that eternal life is promised to those who accepted His offer for an  everlasting life.
Heres a line –
 I can only imagine when that day comes
And I find myself standing in the Son
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
I can only imagine.

Your Life’s Timeline ( Believer)

4 Feb



May 18,2012 041  You accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, here’s what awaits you.

  1. At death your BODY  will be buried somewhere but your SOUL and SPIRIT will be ushered into HEAVEN in your Mansion in Glory.
  2. When Rapture, your BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT will re-joined and be Resurrected. Together with the rest of the Raptured believers and Resurrected believers will have a reunion in the clouds.
  3. While the world is undergoing 7 years tribulation or Jacob’s trouble, we will be in heaven celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and also the time when  Bema Judgment takes place. Believers are judged for rewards.
  4. After 7 years we are coming back to this earth with Christ. The battle of Armageddon takes place and satan will be defeated and thrown into the bottomless pit.
  5. Then the 1000 years reign of Christ begins with Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in this earth. We will be reigning with him.
  6. Briefly satan will be let loosed for a brief time at the end of the 1000 years and then this earth will be destroyed and satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.
  7. Then comes the New Heaven and the New Earth where our future permanent home will be.

Your Life’s Timeline

4 Feb


PDAC 2015 007

Am assuming you have NOT accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Basically you are just living a normal good life. Here’s what awaits you.

  1. At death , your physical BODY is buried somewhere while your SOUL and SPIRIT is ushered into the center of the earth where it is very HOT and Tormented. This is a Temporary Holding place. This is referred to as HELL.
  2. At the very end of the age, your BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT will be re-united referred to as resurrection  and the whole YOU, will be made to appear in the Great White Throne Judgment for final sentencing. Since you did not accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior in your brief life time in this earth, you will be thrown into the LAKE OF FIRE for eternity.