Archive | January, 2016

6- Stages in Life, My View

28 Jan



We go through life in different stages and actions

  1. Innocence Stage – Actions : As the WORD implies –  It is a period of Lights and Sounds.
  2. Inquiring Stage – Actions : WONDER years  – It is a period of Ohhs and Ahhs and Wow and Ouch
  3. Innovation Stage – Actions : WANDER years  – It is a period of What and Where and How and When
  4. Idiotellectual Stage – Actions : WEDDING years  – It is a period of you becoming a philosopher and  Intellectual and Idiot.
  5. Inutil Stage – Actions : WAITING years – It is a period of Looking back and Longing for the good  old days.
  6. Infinity Stage – Actions : WAILING or WORSHIP  years  – It is in our Lifetime we decide. We have a  choice.  WORSHIP : Make Jesus as Lord and Savior in your Life time  and be in HEAVEN.  WAILING : Just live a normal life without considering  Jesus, sure you’ll end up in a place called HELL..

Joy in our Journey

27 Jan


Text: Acts 20:13-36

After the conversion of Paul, he made three Missionary Journeys, preaching the word of God that opens the Gospel to the Gentile world. In this passage he is now bidding farewell to the Ephesian believers on his way to Jerusalem that will eventually led him to Rome.

Similarly, the Christian life is a journey.  We can find joy in this journey if we know:

  1. The ESSENCE of this journey. What makes this journey different, what is the identity  of this Journey? This journey has a :
    1. Destination ( Jonah illus.)
    2. Direction   (Truth v/s Tolerance) John 14:6
    3. Decision  (Ark of the covenant)  Heb.9:1-5

Illust. Tampuda,

2.     The EVENTS of this Journey

    1. Faith, this is where we begin
    2. Fellowship,   (House to house, publicly) Church
    3. Faithfulness  (Prison choir)
  • Study of Gods word
  • Prayer
  • Stewardship

3.    The END of this journey

Elisha v/s Elijah, Will receive double portion, 2Kings 2:9

Psalms 32

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

Bill Brights charge to CCC.

( This is from my Sermon Notes )

Setting Goals for 2016

8 Jan

PDAC 2015 006

Whether you are managing a company or leading an organization or simply managing your personal life,  its best to set some goals.

Tactical Goals –

Make a list of 3 things you would like to achieve in the next 3 months. Worked on it and keep it.

Strategic Goals –

Things you would like to achieve this year.

At least 12 goals you would like to achieve this year based on your Tactical goals.

Jer 31:21  – Set up for yourself road maps, place for yourself guideposts.