Archive | August, 2015

God’s Eternal Purpose

1 Aug

Dispensation (2)


To understand the Bible properly , God’s purpose for mankind from Genesis to Revelation is divided into 7 Dispensations or periods:

1. Innocence – God created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden.

2. Conscience – Lasted 1656 years, from driven out of the Garden of Eden to Noah’s flood.

3. Human Government – 325 years, After the flood to the Tower of Babel

4. Promise – Calling of Abraham to Exodus.

5.  Law – 1500 years, Exodus to death of Christ.

6. Grace – Death of Christ to Rapture, believers are taken up in the clouds to meet Him.

7. Millennial Kingdom – 1000 years of Jesus reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.