Archive | December, 2012

HOPE you can rely in 2013

29 Dec

HOPE you can rely in 2013.

HOPE you can rely in 2013

26 Dec

As the curtain falls down for 2012, here’s my admonition for the coming year.
During the past years all of  us laugh at the jokes of Bob  HOPE, then we enjoyed singing the songs of Johnny  CASH  and recently we have been using the gadgets introduced by Steve JOBS.

This coming year it is my prayer and challenge that we will have a Godly HOPE, so that we will have a meaningful  and lasting JOBS that will in turn provide  us with lots of CASH to meet our daily needs.

” But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory” …

(Want to talk  about this HOPE? I can make you a great Cappuccino or a Cafe Latte at my Coffee Shop at Tony Graham’s in Ottawa )